Monday, May 12, 2008

Now is all I have

So it's felt freeing to describe several major chunks of my life spanning over 20 years. Flying over some woundings from youth, a life implosion in 1988, marriage separation in 1990, through divorce, long road of rambling recovery, remarriage on 1/6/01 and on up to today leaves me feeling exhausted but grateful. The interplay of God's grace woven through the ultimate consequences of sin.....
Sin, that word that political correctness abhors. That simple word defined in James as "...knows what is right to do but fails to do it" These relativistic times disallow all absolutes. Yet this I know, if you sow a black crop of twisted, dysfunctional seeds you will, you absolutely will, reap a strikingly similar crop.

Where are you going with this blog Hoppy? Well, only to say that mercy does indeed triumph over judgement! Christ's work on my behalf purchased for me a new lease on life. Initially surrendering myself to Jesus in May of 1975 put me on an entirely new path. Over a decade later, even when I fell off that path, my Savior was there to dust me off and hit the restart button of my life. Painless? Heck no. Quick? Absolutely not. Without cost? Please! I can only say that I am eternally grateful for his dogged pursuit of me, the chief of sinners.

And so it feels good to get out some of what I've come from and come through. Of course, none of us are called to live in the past-- the now is all we have and I want to be vitally alive to this moment..., and now this moment ....and now again, this present moment. Even this blog, regardless of what my intentions were when I first launched 500' Flyby, has become a tool in appropriating the essence, the heart of what matters in life, of being real with myself and losing all the bs that's seems so ever present and constantly offers itself as a substitute for the real deal.

The world shouts out it's nominations for noteworthy goals, objects worthy of pursuit and values of materialism that should simply shock us as observers. But alas, as frogs, we have been oblivious to the slowly increasing temperature of the now boiling water. Actually, saying the world 'shouts' is too mild. The world screams out it's messages 24/7 in every way imaginable. Just one example of this worldly message is a current, frequently shown TV ad: Guy imagines owning a really cool flat panel TV and wanders off to the store in an almost trance-like mode with the background 'jingle' going on like a mantra...."I want it all, I want it all, I want it all".... And now you can, with your Chase credit card...get it now, pay for it later. The American way....(Oh, don't get me going!)
I would love to say that I am impervious to all this...but it creeps in. I look above the fireplace, see this brick expanse that would be such a cool place for something...but what?....a painting?....a mounted sword perhaps?, how about a 40" flat panel TV? Somehow, that idea has wormed it's way into my mind and is making a mighty effort at stirring desire and that desire is making a tenacious effort at creating momentum of action and a plan to bring all this into realization....."I want it all"

But these days, perhaps with the benefit of more age, (spelled maturity for those keeping score at home), comes a bit more ability to quell the knee-jerk reactions, to see through the lie of: happiness = ownership of lots of cool stuff. And for that I am grateful Lord but this quality is hardly well-established...more like a thin veneer of ice easily broken through. Protect me from the moguls of Madison Avenue!
As a recovering hedonist, I have spent a lifetime chasing happiness in all the wrong places. Today, I am aware that my game is well beyond halftime, maybe even into the 4th quarter. I am hungry to bring an end to so much "life by default", to be more intentional, to spend my energies on things that really matter. Sounds kind of lofty...the kind of a statement that seems better coming from one speaking from some raised platform more so than from me.

Yet that too has worn thin, that chronic defeatist sense of mine, that self-limiting, keep-your-aspirations-modest-lest-you-deliver-only-more-failure. Since betraying myself and my family, I have become painfully aware of all the time I have spent holding myself hostage, constantly beating up on myself and being my own worst enemy. Being "hard on myself" eventually became a virtual hobby (albeit a diabolical one).
However (thank you God that there is a 'however'!), the last several years have brought increasing levels of redemption, restoration, of applying more of the good news to more of me, of the Lord coming into my various prison cells and flinging open some barred doors, of substantial healing of my brokenheartedness. And for that Jesus, let me just stop and say thank you Father. Thank you for not abandoning me, for showing me a living example of what "unconditional" really looks like. Keep it coming Lord, keep it coming.

So what of my "now"? What are my current priorities, the items that I believe either should be or are already the focus of my attention?
Perhaps a quick listing, no particular order, a sort of data dump:
1. A desire to not live my life as though it's just a "waiting room" before heaven and eternal bliss.
2. The importance of living in a conversational intimacy with God.
3. The truth that wholeness and holiness go hand in hand...there is no freedom without holiness and vice versa.
4. That my life is aggressively opposed by a real live enemy (who is not shooting rubber bullets) with an intensity that seems in direct proportion to the degree I serve as an agent for advancing the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
5. That it is not about me.
6. That if Jesus has forgiven me then I must as well...not doing so is nothing less than perverse pride from the very pit of hell.
7. That my judgement, my incessant judgement of others must be collapsed.
8. That there is nothing more valuable, more thrill-producing, more lasting and pleasure-inducing than walking with God.
9. That the political thrusts of this country/world are of Caesar and I am never again to merge /superimpose them with or onto the ways of the Kingdom.
10.That there is no auto-pilot setting in life and that all of the above require an ongoing level of my most diligent intentionality.
11. That somehow in all of this, God still allows me to laugh and to see humor amidst the journey (the hardest laughs are at myself) and to enjoy the many blessings he provides along the way.

Well, I am certain this is not exhaustive but it seems to be a fair expression of the basic core of where I am at in this "spring" (and I use the term loosely) of 2008.
For now, I offer these words in this blog to make my current outlook more concrete, less swirly. I submit this for all blogging eyes to see that I may be more public, more transparent, more accountable for what I profess as being important and in the interests of letting the light of day wash over what otherwise would remain mostly internal.
Note to self: I wonder if blogging will ever feel more natural, less self-absorbed and more clearly worth engaging in....? Jesus, what have you to say about this? I am willing to hear either a yes or a no.....


di said...

so much good in your now...
speaking of which, I just noticed Sandi's Art link. What a beauty she is.

terri said...

i love those priorities you listed jim. and i love that you are pulling your story together here...bringing all things into the light. i can't answer your question about whether blogging will ever feel more natural, but i don't think that's necessarily the criteria for judging whether it's worthwhile. i benefit from the things you share here, for what it's worth.

James said...

Long time no talk...thanks for dropping by and for your precious eyes on my life. One of the things I'm being very intentional about is your invitation re: Rubio. For whatever reason, clarity is still forthcoming...but I have no doubt that it will come. Is your invitation even still valid or have you felt the need to move on (it would certainly be understandable)? Covering the HR teams....

Hi young pastor/counselor lady. Your visits sure bring blessing to my life....Yep, I've basically pulled together the major chunks of my story and now I feel somehow more authentic in having provided the caveats to me and what my journey has included. OK, so now I'm better positioned to just be in the present. Funny how 14 posts from launch of blog that this is how it played out. Had no idea on Superbowl Sunday where this would take me. I guess that's sort of a picture of a type of mercy in itself...if I would have known in advance I wouldn't have entered in. The question I have now is whether or not Jesus has anything more for me to say.... I just don't want to blab on about nothing....(and become the Seinfeld show of the blogosphere).

di said...

my friend and comrade, the invitation is eternally valid and i remain positively hopeful about the forthcoming clarity. meeting today with another key ally in this mission, open and eager to everything you both have to offer. i think of peter's comment to whom shall we go. a little out of context, but you know the sentiment fits, and some people are just the perfect Kingdom fit. i remain hopeful.

di said...

p.s. thanks for covering HR ... will have to tell you about how Papa showed up the other night and everything is fully released to His hands, where all can be redeemed and restored. freedom, unbelievable freedom. i need to get a blog up to ask for prayer from our blogosphere. keep travel covered...teams arrived safely, now for the men today. then... you know the rest. so good to know men like you are standing cover. eternally grateful.

Marsyl said...

Jim, I can relate so much to the supremely difficult/therefore supremely necessary task of forgiving one's self. It is the hardest arrow of the enemies to pull out, in my experience. It is almost a sort of magic thinking or belief that if I don't forgive myself, beat myself up as you put it, that somehow the consequences to others won't be as bad or they will go away somehow. Don't we wish.
It IS hard to disengage from the "I want it all" cycle, or even just the "I want something different". You're list is inspiring - and I think that maturity is a good thing on ya.